History of the Daf Yomi

In August 1923, at the First International Congress of the Agudath Israel World Movement in Vienna, Rabbi Meir Shapiro proposed uniting the Jewish people worldwide through the daily study of a page of Talmud. The “Daf Yomi” tradition continues today as thousands diligently study the designated page of the day. Daily classes dedicated specifically to the study of Daf Yomi can be found in Jewish communities all across the globe.

With 2,711 pages in the Talmud, each Daf Yomi study cycle takes about seven and a half years. On March 1, 2005, a much-celebrated ceremony known as the Siyum HaShas marked the 11th completion of the entire Talmud by Daf Yomi readers around the world. The excitement surrounding the siyum has breathed new life into the study of Talmud for long-time yeshiva students and newcomers alike.

The Steinsaltz Daf Yomi series began its first cycle with the beginning of Massekhet Eruvin (Friday, October 7, 2005), featuring daily articles containing insights from the Steinsaltz Edition of the Talmud. The second cycle began on August 3, 2012 and was completed on January 4, 2020.

Rabbi Steinsaltz’s daily articles can be studied either independently or side-by-side with the Talmud page.

Read these essays on their designated days of study alongside the Talmud pages available from the Steinsaltz Center in Jerusalem. Rabbi Steinsaltz’s Daf Yomi insights are also featured on the website of the Orthodox Union, the central coordinating agency for North American Orthodox congregations and kosher standardization, and archived here on our website.

The Steinsaltz Daf Yomi series is a unique opportunity to study Talmud each day with one of the world’s foremost Talmud scholars. Please join us in this effort to bring the teachings of Rabbi Steinsaltz to a broader online audience.