What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Rosh HaShana 35a-b: Fulfilling the Obligation of
Rosh HaShana 34a-b: The Sounds of the Shofar
Rosh HaShana 33a-b: Performing a Mitzva Voluntarily
Rosh HaShana 32a-b: The Blessings of the Amida
Rosh HaShana 31a-b: Travels in Exile
Rosh HaShana 30a-b: When to Take the Lulav
Rosh HaShana 29a-b: Blowing the Shofar on Shabbat
Rosh HaShana 28a-b: Intent to Fulfill the Commandment
Rosh HaShana 27a-b: Shofar Details
Rosh HaShana 26a-b: The Horn of a Cow
Rosh HaShana 25a-b: The Final Ruling
Rosh HaShana 24a-b: Identifying the Phase of the Moon
Rosh HaShana 23a-b: Arriving in Jerusalem on Shabbat for a Mitzva
Rosh HaShana 22a-b: Acceptable Witnesses
Rosh HaShana 21a-b: Desecrating Shabbat to Testify to the New Moon
Rosh HaShana 20a-b: An Extra Day in Elul
Rosh HaShana 19a-b: Has
Megillat Ta’anit
been nullified?
Rosh HaShana 18a-b: To Fast or Not To Fast
Rosh HaShana 17a-b: The Thirteen Attributes of Mercy
Rosh HaShana 16a-b: Judging the World
Rosh HaShana 15a-b: New Year for the Etrog
Rosh HaShana 14a-b: The New Year for Trees
Rosh HaShana 13a-b: Pulses are Just Different
Rosh Hashana 12a-b: Tithes
Rosh HaShana 11a-b: When the Redemption Will Take Place
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