What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Avoda Zara 26a-b: The Consequences of Truth
Avoda Zara 25a-b: Rain in a Drought
Avoda Zara 24a-b: The Animal of a Non-Jew
Avoda Zara 23a-b: Ritual Objects and Gentiles
Avoda Zara 22a-b: The Torah of the Samaritans
Avoda Zara 21a-b: Rent Control
Avoda Zara 20a-b: Traditional Values
Avoda Zara 19a-b: A Lifetime of Torah Study
Avoda Zara 18a-b: Wanted: Rabbi Meir
Avoda Zara 17a-b: The dangers of learning from Yeshu HaNotzri
Avoda Zara 16a-b: Interfaith Construction Projects
Avoda Zara 15a-b: Selling to Samaritans
Avoda Zara 14a-b: Selling Animals Large and Small
Avoda Zara 13a-b: Prohibited Sales
Avoda Zara 12a-b: Don’t Put Your Mouth on Public Water Fountains!
Avoda Zara 11a-b: The Haircut Holiday
Avoda Zara 10a-b: Rabbi and Antoninus
Avoda Zara 9a-b: Basing Real Estate Decisions on Eschatology
Avoda Zara 8a-b: Rabbinic Ordination at a Crossroads
Avoda Zara 7a-b: Second Opinions in Jewish Law
Avoda Zara 6a-b: Pagan Holidays
Avoda Zara 5a-b: One Considered As Dead
Avoda Zara 4a-b: Were the Talmudic Sages Experts in the Written Torah?
Avoda Zara 3a-b: Can Non-Jews Learn Torah?
Avoda Zara 2a-b: Jewish Merchants and Pagan Holidays
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