What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Avodah Zarah 53a-b – Nullifying idols
Avodah Zarah 52a-b – The Jewish Temple in Leontopolis
Avodah Zarah 51a-b – Benefitting from avodah zarah
Avodah Zarah 50a-b – Watch where you walk!
Avodah Zarah 49a-b – Throwing rocks at Mercury
Avodah Zarah 48a-b – Trees as the representation of false gods
Avodah Zarah 47a-b – Mining for idols
Avodah Zarah 46a-b – Can shaky rocks becoming pagan idols?
Avodah Zarah 45a-b – Worshiping the hills…and the trees
Avodah Zarah 44a-b – Talking Torah in the bathhouse, under the eyes of Aphrodite
Avodah Zarah 43a-b – Are models of the solar system idolatrous?
Avodah Zarah 42a-b – Suns, moons and dragons
Avodah Zarah 41a-b – Broken statues
Avodah Zarah 40a-b – Statues and idols
Avodah Zarah 39a-b – Non-Jewish foods that are permitted
Avodah Zarah 38a-b – Bishul Akum – Non-Jewish cooking
Avodah Zarah 37a-b – Kosher insects
Avodah Zarah 36a-b – Non-Jewish oil
Avodah Zarah 35a-b – Kosher milk and bakery bread
Avodah Zarah 34a-b – Rabbinic travels
Avodah Zarah 33a-b – The legal ramifications of glazed pottery
Avodah Zarah 32a-b – Intoxicating pottery
Avodah Zarah 31a-b – Drinking beer
Avodah Zarah 30a-b – Leaving food uncovered
Avodah Zarah 29a-b – Talmudic medicine
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