What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Bava Metzia 119a: Whatever His Hand Can Reach
Bava Metzia 118a-b: Cash vs. Items of Value
Bava Metzia 117a-b: Land Rights
Bava Metzia 116a-b: When the House Collapses
Bava Metzia 115a-b: Forbidden Collateral
Bava Metzia 114a-b: Standing in a Graveyard
Bava Metzia 113a-b: The Rules of Collateral
Bava Metzia 112a-b: A Contractor’s Wages
Bava Metzia 111a-b: Paying On Time
Bava Metzia 110a-b: Pay Day
Bava Metzia 109a-b: You’re Fired!
Bava Metzia 108a-b: A Good Neighbor
Bava Metzia 107a-b: The Most Important Meal of the Day
Bava Metzia 106a-b: Planting a New Crop
Bava Metzia 105a-b: Sowing the Fields
Bava Metzia 104a-b: An Agreement, Written Or Not
Bava Metzia 103a-b: Relying on a Rental Agreement
Bava Metzia 102a-b: Renting in a Leap Year
Bava Metzia 101a-b: Rental Terms
Bava Metzia 100a-b: When a River Takes One’s Olive Trees
Bava Metzia 99a-b: One Benefits, The Other Doesn’t Lose
Bava Metzia 98a-b: Let the Borrowing Begin
Bava Metzia 97a-b: Borrowing an Item, Hiring the Owner
Bava Metzia 96a-b: The Owner and the Agent
Bava Metzia 95a-b: Its Owner Is With Him
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