What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Makkot 24a-b: The Bare Minimum
Makkot 23a-b: The 613 Commandments in the Torah
Makkot 22a-b: Calculating the Lashes Given
Makkot 21a-b: The Jewel Under the Pottery Shard
Makkot 20a-b: Jewish Hair Styles
Makkot 19a-b: The Eternal Holiness of Jerusalem
Makkot 18a-b: The Importance of Following Procedure
Makkot 17a-b: A Significant Amount
Makkot 16a-b: You Shall Not Make Your Souls Detestable
Makkot 15a-b: A Crime Without Punishment
Makkot 14a-b: Talking Torah at the Butcher Shop
Makkot 13a-b: Who is Liable to Receive Lashes?
Makkot 12a-b: The Laws of Revenge
Makkot 11a-b: Mothering an Accidental Killer
Makkot 10a-b: A Life in Exile
Makkot 9a-b: Cities of Refuge
Makkot 8a-b: A Killer Sent Into Exile
Makkot 7a-b: Preventing a Violent Court
Makkot 6a-b: Courtroom Translations
Makkot 5a-b: Refuting Not Only the Testimony, But the Witness
Makkot 4a-b: Two Punishments for the Same Act
Makkot 3a-b: A Condition That Negates Torah Law
Makkot 2a-b: The Discussion Continues
Massekhet Makkot: Introduction to the Tractate
Masechet Makkot – An Introduction to the Tractate