What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Megilla 32a-b: Reading the
Sefer Torah
Megilla 31a-b: The Readings on Yom Kippur
Megilla 30a-b: Special Torah Readings
Megilla 29a-b: The Four Parshiyot
Megilla 28a-b: Eulogies in the Synagogue
Megilla 27a-b: Secrets to a Long Life
Megilla 26a-b:Selling an Object of Kedusha
Megilla 25a-b: What Not To Say
Megilla 24a-b: The Priestly Blessing
Megilla 23a-b: The Translator
Megilla 22a-b: Dividing up Rosh Hodesh Torah Reading
Megilla 21a-b: The Rules of the Readings
Megilla 20a-b: Those Who Can’t Read For Others
Megilla 19a-b: When Traveling on Purim
Megilla 18a-b: The Language of Megilla Reading
Megilla 17a-b: The Language of Public Readings
Megilla 16a-b: Biblical Poetry
Megilla 15a-b: The Hidden Story
Megilla 14a-b: Forty-Eight Prophets
Megilla 13a-b: Casting Lots Against the Jews
Megilla 12a-b: Foolish King Ahashverosh?
Megilla 11a-b: The Prophecy of Exile
Megilla 10a-b: And the Holiness Remains
Megilla 9a-b: United in Translation
Megilla 8a-b: Ancient Writings
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