What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Sota 24a-b: In the Case of a Betrothed Woman
Sota 23a-b: A Woman Cannot Vow that Her Son Shall Become a Nazirite
Sota 22a-b: Those Whose Actions Erode the World
Sota 21a-b: A Foolish Man of Piety
Sota 20a-b: So She Does Not Render the Temple Courtyard Impure
Sota 19a-b: The Meal-Offering
Sota 18a-b: The Woman Does Not Drink and Repeat
Sota 17a-b: As Reward for That Which Avraham Said
Sota 16a-b: Three Items are Required to Be Seen
Sota 15a-b: Preparing the Bitter Water
Sota 14ab: Just as He Clothes the Naked
Sota 13a-b: If You Show Yourself, It Is Good
Sota 12a-b: But you Decreed Both On the Males and On the Females
Sota 11a-b: The Reward for Good Deeds
Sota 10a-b: Five Individuals
Sota 9a-b: Their Enemies Did Not Rule Over Their Achievements
Sota 8a-b: Measure for Measure
Sota 7a-b: They Would Bring Her to Jerusalem
Sota 6a-b: Suspicion of Adultery and Teruma
Sota 5a-b: Even a Slight Wind Disturbs Him
Sota 4a-b: The Length of Seclusion
Sota 3a-b: Like a Worm in the Sesame
Sota 2a-b: One Who Issues a Warning
Massekhet Sota: Introduction to the Tractate
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