What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Ta’anit 31a-b: And Then They Danced
Ta’anit 30a-b: A Day of Mourning
Ta’anit 29a-b: Surviving the Destruction of the Temple
Ta’anit 28a-b: Reciting Hallel on Rosh Chodesh
Ta’anit 27a-b: And They Didn’t Fast on Sundays
Ta’anit 26a-b: Non-priestly Watches
Ta’anit 25a-b: Unsuccessful Prayers for Rain
Ta’anit 24a-b: A Miracle for the Charitable
Ta’anit 23a-b: Praying for Rain–Modestly
Ta’anit 22a-b: A Place in the World to Come
Ta’anit 21a-b: A Plague Among the Pigs
Ta’anit 20a-b: And the Sun Broke Through
Ta’anit 19a-b: No Outcry for Too Much Rain
Ta’anit 18a-b: Yom Nicanor and Yom Turyanus
Ta’anit 17a-b: Priestly Watches
Ta’anit 16a-b: Shofar Blasts on a Fast Day
Ta’anit 15a-b: More on Fast Days
Ta’anit 14a-b: A Cry Was Raised
Ta’anit 13a-b: Extra Prayers on a Fast Day
Ta’anit 12a-b: Switching One’s Fast Day
Ta’anit 11a-b: Is Fasting a Sin or Holy?
Ta’anit 10a-b: Praying for Rain
Ta’anit 9a-b: Tithing to Become Wealthy
Ta’anit 8a-b: The True Faithful
Ta’anit 7a-b: A Simple Vessel
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