What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Arakhin 8a-b: The Ability to Pay
Arakhin 7a-b: When a Pregnant Woman Dies
Arakhin 6a-b: Contributions From Non-Jews
Arakhin 5a-b: Non-Jews and Arakhin
Arakhin 4a-b: Are Kohanim Obligated in Arakhin?
Arakhin 3a-b: Everyone is Obligated in Megilla
Arakhin 2a-b: Those Who Are Not Valuated
Massekhet Arakhin: Introduction to the Tractate
Arakhin 34a – Levitical cities
Arakhin 33a-b – When is the Jubilee year in force?
Arakhin 32a-b – The sanctity of walled cities
Arakhin 31a-b – Selling houses in walled cities
Arakhin 30a-b – Slavery according to the Sages
Arakhin 29a-b – Selling an ancestral field
Arakhin 28a-b – Introducing the idea of herem
Arakhin 27a-b – When was the Jubilee year in force?
Arakhin 26a-b – What does it mean to own a field?
Arakhin 25a-b – Redeeming consecrated fields – II
Arakhin 24a-b – Redeeming consecrated fields – I
Arakhin 23a-b – Protecting the guarantor of a loan
Arakhin 22a-b – Collecting debts from orphans
Arakhin 21a-b – Guaranteeing that sacrifices are brought
Arakhin 20a-b – Someone who passes away after making a vow
Arakhin 19a-b – Determining the value of someone’s arm
Arakhin 18a-b – Timing the meaning of a vow
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