What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Bava Batra 176a-b: A Guarantor After-the-Fact
Bava Batra 175a-b: Collecting a Debt From the Borrower’s Property
Bava Batra 174a-b: A Guarantor for a Marriage Contract
Bava Batra 173a-b: Collecting From the Guarantor
Bava Batra 172a-b: When Two People Share a Name
Bava Batra 171a-b: Proof of Payment
Bava Batra 170a-b: Documenting a Loan Payment
Bava Batra 169a-b: A Gift by Way of a Document
Bava Batra 168a-b: A Transaction With Inconclusive Consent
Bava Batra 167a-b: Footing the Bill
Bava Batra 166a-b: The Economics of Sacrifices
Bava Batra 165a-b: The Dust of Evil Speech
Bava Batra 164a-b: Being Too Complimentary
Bava Batra 163a-b: A Forgery With the Seal of Approval
Bava Batra 162a-b: A Validly Witnessed Document
Bava Batra 161a-b: A Legal Signature
Bava Batra 160a-b: Two Types of Contracts
Bava Batra 159a-b: The Testimony of a Relative
Bava Batra 158a-b: Competing Claims
Bava Batra 157a-b: Buying Something That Does Not Exist
Bava Batra 156a-b: The Evils of Growing Weeds
Bava Batra 155a-b: The Age of Maturity
Bava Batra 154a-b: Selling Property While Still a Minor
Bava Batra 153a-b: Proving the Illness Caused the Death
Bava Batra 152a-b: Putting it in Writing
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