What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Bava Batra 51a-b: Acquisition By Document
Bava Batra 50a-b: The Rabbinic Ordinances of Usha
Bava Batra 49a-b: A Husband and His Wife’s Property
Bava Batra 48a-b: Compelling a Divorce
Bava Batra 47a-b: A Valid Sale
Bava Batra 46a-b: The Switch
Bava Batra 45a-b: Rescue or Reimburse
Bava Batra 44a-b: Movable Property is Not Liened
Bava Batra 43a-b: Removing a Witness’s Bias
Bava Batra 42a-b: No Presumption of Ownership
Bava Batra 40a-b: A Preemptive Declaration
Bava Batra 41a-b: Possession Without a Claim of Ownership
Bava Batra 39a-b: Lodging a Protest
Bava Batra 38a-b: A Period of Three Years
Bava Batra 37a-b: Working the Land
Bava Batra 36a-b: Presumption of Ownership
Bava Batra 35a-b: The Discretion of the Judges
Bava Batra 34a-b: Whoever Is Stronger Prevails
Bava Batra 33a-b: Culling Dates
Bava Batra 32a-b: Using a Forgery as Proof
Bava Batra 31a-b: It Belonged To My Ancestors
Bava Batra 30a-b: Too Busy To Protest
Bava Batra 29a-b: Three Years Without Protest
Bava Batra 28a-b: Presumptive Ownership
Bava Batra 27a-b: Laws of the Land
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