What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Bekhorot 36a-b: The War of Torah
Bekhorot 35a-b: Intentional Blemishes
Bekhorot 34a-b: Damaging a Firstborn
Bekhorot 33a-b: Blood-Letting and Sacrifices
Bekhorot 32a-b: Sharing the Firstborn Animal
Bekhorot 31a-b: Sanctified Meat
Bekhorot 30a-b: Suspected of Ignoring Religious Law
Bekhorot 29a-b: Teaching Torah Without Pay
Bekhorot 28a-b: Blemishes in a Firstborn Animal
Bekhorot 27a-b: Priestly Gifts From Abroad
Bekhorot 26a-b: Gifts for the Kohen
Bekhorot 25a-b: Stoppering a Barrel on Yom Tov
Bekhorot 24a-b: Waiting for Elijah
Bekhorot 23a-b: The Proof is in the Milk
Bekhorot 22a-b: Stillbirth and Ritual Defilement
Bekhorot 21a-b: When an Animal is Purchased From a Jew
Bekhorot 20a-b: Student and Teacher
Bekhorot 19a-b: Assuming a Firstborn
Bekhorot 18a-b: First Among Twins
Bekhorot 17a-b: An Animal That Appears To Be What It Is Not
Bekhorot 16a-b: Sources and Blemishes
Bekhorot 15a-b: Blemished and Consecrated
Bekhorot 14a-b: Sacrificing on Private Altars
Bekhorot 13a-b: The Option of Decapitation
Bekhorot 12a-b: Hybrid Animals
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