What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Bekhorot 47a-b – Can a convert have a firstborn child?
Bekhorot 46a-b – Firstborn children
Bekhorot 45a-b – Learning from autopsies
Bekhorot 44a-b – How tall was Moses?
Bekhorot 43a-b – Blemishes in kohanim
Bekhorot 42a-b – Dealing with questionable sexual status
Bekhorot 41a-b – The status of an androgynous animal
Bekhorot 39a-b – Blemishes in an animal’s mouth
Bekhorot 38a-b – Blemishes of the eye
Bekhorot 37a-b – Defining blemishes in animals
Bekhorot 36a-b – Halakhic battles in the study hall
Bekhorot 35a-b – Injuring firstborn animals
Bekhorot 34a-b – Damaging a firstborn animal
Bekhorot 33a-b – Blood-letting and sacrifices
Bekhorot 32a-b – Sharing the meat of a firstborn animal
Bekhorot 31a-b – Selling sanctified meat in the market square
Bekhorot 29a-b – Payment for Torah
Bekhorot 27a-b – Tithes and priestly gifts outside the land of Israel
Bekhorot 26a-b – When is a firstborn animal given to the priest?
Bekhorot 25a-b – Using a stopper on Shabbat or on Yom Tov
Bekhorot 24a-b – Waiting for Elijah to rule
Bekhorot 23a-b – Milk as an indication of birth
Bekhorot 22a-b – Death and ritual defilement
Bekhorot 21a-b – Buying an animal from a Jewish seller
Bekhorot 20a-b – A conversation between a teacher and his student
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