What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Temurah 18a-b – Bringing sacrifices on time
Temurah 17a-b – Sacrificing a temurah
Temurah 16a-b – Forgetting Torah laws
Temurah 15a-b – Shepherding in Israel
Temurah 14a-b – Uprooting the Torah in order to save it
Temurah 13a-b – The obligation to tithe animals
Temurah 12a-b – Losing track of a grave
Temurah 11a-b – The status of an androgynous animal
Temurah 10a-b – Sanctity in unborn animals
Temurah 9a-b – Pumpkins, today and tomorrow
Temurah 8a-b – Selling sanctified meat in the market square
Temurah 7a-b – Who is the true owner of a sacrifice?
Temurah 6a-b – Returning a pledge
Temurah 5a-b – The effects of ill-gotten gains
Temurah 4a-b – When a negative commandment can be corrected
Temurah 3a-b – We know that speech is significant. Is it considered an action?
Temurah 2a-b – Introducing the prohibition of temurah
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