What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Yevamot 96a-b: Students and Teachers
Yevamot 95a-b: A Woman Who Mistakenly Remarries
Yevamot 94a-b: Trace of a Divorce
Yevamot 93a-b: Acquiring Something Not Yet in Existence
Yevamot 92a-b: She Shall Not Be Married Outside The Family
Yevamot 91a-b: What Could She Have Done?
Yevamot 90a-b: You Must Listen To Him
Yevamot 89a-b: Uprooting Torah Law
Yevamot 88a-b: When the Spouse Turns Out To Be Alive
Yevamot 87a-b: The Ways of Pleasantness
Yevamot 86a-b: Tithes for a Priest
Yevamot 85a-b: A Groom for the Daughter of a Kohen
Yevamot 84a-b: The Relationships of Levirate Marriage
Yevamot 83a-b: Unique creatures
Yevamot 82a-b: The Sanctity of the Land
Yevamot 81a-b: Teruma in the Modern World
Yevamot 80a-b: Physical Maturity
Yevamot 79a-b: Levirate Marriage and the Eunuch
Yevamot 78a-b: Between the Pillars
Yevamot 77a-b: David, Descended of Moav
Yevamot 76a-b: Converts From Among the Nations
Yevamot 75a-b: Sages of the Vineyard
Yevamot 74a-b: Stringencies, to the Letter
Yevamot 73a-b: Harvest Taxes
Yevamot 72a-b: Hidden Circumcisions
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