What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Zevahim 70a-b: The Chapter of Mixtures
Zevahim 69a-b: Limiting Halakhic Conclusions
Zevahim 68a-b: The Correct Way to Sacrifice Birds
Zevahim 67a-b: A Nest of Birds
Zevahim 66a-b: A Sin-Offering From a Bird
Zevahim 65a-b: Only the Kohen with his Thumbnail
Zevahim 64a-b: The Most Difficult Temple Service
Zevahim 63a-b: Climbing Up to the Altar
Zevahim 62a-b: The Placement of the Altar
Zevahim 61a-b: A Transportable Temple
Zevahim 60a-b: The Holiness of Jerusalem
Zevahim 59a-b: How Many Sacrifices Can One Altar Hold?
Zevahim 58a-b: Slaughtering a Sacrifice on the Altar
Zevahim 57a-b: The “Vineyard” in Yavne
Zevahim 56a-b: The Temple Courtyard Floor Plan
Zevahim 55a-b: An Open Door Policy
Zevahim 54a-b: How Mount Moriah Became the Temple Mount
Zevahim 53a-b: Dividing the Altar Between Tribes
Zevahim 52a-b: The Blood of Sin Offerings
Zevahim 51a-b: Pouring the Leftover Blood
Zevahim 50a-b: Methods of Deriving Laws
Zevahim 49a-b: How to Derive Biblical Laws
Zevahim 48a-b: That Which is Dear to the Sages
Zevahim 47a-b: A Sacrificial Overview
Zevahim 46a-b: Proper Intent for a Sacrifice
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