What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Bekhorot 11a-b: Possession Via Designation
Bekhorot 10a-b: Benefit From Firstborn Donkeys
Bekhorot 9a-b: Redeeming a Firstborn Donkey
Bekhorot 8a-b: Animals and Their Habits
Bekhorot 7a-b: Mating of Kosher and Non-Kosher Animals
Bekhorot 6a-b: Learning From Every Word
Bekhorot 5a-b: Counting Levites and Firstborn
Bekhorot 4a-b: The Sanctification of the Firstborn
Bekhorot 3a-b: Ownership and the Firstborn
Bekhorot 2a-b: A Firstborn Donkey’s Status
Massekhet Bekhorot: Introduction to the Tractate
Bekhorot 61a – When there is confusion in tithing animals – II
Bekhorot 60a-b – When there is confusion in tithing animals – I
Bekhorot 59a-b – How to tithe animals
Bekhorot 58a-b – Ben Azzai and the Sages
Bekhorot 57a-b – The proper times for tithing animals
Bekhorot 56a-b – Paying a surcharge to change a shekel
Bekhorot 55a-b – Identifying the Jordan River
Bekhorot 54a-b – Keeping track of animals
Bekhorot 53a-b – Introducing animal tithes
Bekhorot 52a-b – Inheriting family burial plots
Bekhorot 51a-b – The penalty for boxing someone’s ear
Bekhorot 50a-b – Appropriate payment for Rabbinic rulings
Bekhorot 49a-b – Currency valuations
Bekhorot 48a-b – When you don’t know who is the firstborn child
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