What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Bekhorot 19a-b – Must we assume that the first animal born of a purchased animal is a firstborn?
Bekhorot 18a-b – What if an animal gives birth to firstborn twins?
Bekhorot 17a-b – An animal that appears to be what it is not
Bekhorot 16a-b – Clarifying the source of a Talmudic quote
Bekhorot 15a-b – Different types of blemished animals
Bekhorot 14a-b – When were private altars permitted?
Bekhorot 13a-b – Considering decapitation as an option
Bekhorot 12a-b – Redeeming a firstborn donkey with unusual animals
Bekhorot 11a-b – What if the lamb set aside to redeem a firstborn donkey dies?
Bekhorot 10a-b – Benefitting from firstborn donkeys
Bekhorot 9a-b – Redeeming a firstborn donkey
Bekhorot 8a-b – Mammals, fish and what is between them
Bekhorot 7a-b – Kosher animals without split-hooves
Bekhorot 6a-b – What can we learn from the word et?
Bekhorot 5a-b – Counting Levites and firstborn
Bekhorot 4a-b – When did the laws giving special status to the firstborns take effect?
Bekhorot 3a-b – How partnerships with non-Jews affect the laws of the firstborn
Bekhorot 2a-b – Selling a firstborn animal to a non-Jew
Masechet Bekhorot – An Introduction to the Tractate
Bekhorot 40a-b – The symbolism of the Shushan gate
Bekhorot 30a-b – Reasons for suspicion
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