What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Hagiga 27a-b: Protected From the Fire of Gehenna
Hagiga 26a-b: Like One Man United
Hagiga 25a-b: Land Inhabited By Non-Jewish Nations
Hagiga 24a-b: Leniencies in Dealing With kodashim
Hagiga 23a-b: An Impure Sandal and a Barrel of Wine
Hagiga 22a-b: Does One Impure Part Defile the Vessel?
Hagiga 21a-b: Immersing Impure Vessels
Hagiga 20a-b: Take Great Care
Hagiga 19a-b: Immersion in a Natural Body of Water
Hagiga 18a-b: Work on the Intermediate Days
Hagiga 17a-b: Sacrifices on Yom Tov
Hagiga 16a-b: Lean On
Hagiga 15a-b: Studying With a Heretic
Hagiga 14a-b: Four Entered the Orchard
Hagiga 13a-b: Reflecting on the Heavens
Hagiga 12a-b: The Secrets of Creation
Hagiga 11a-b: Not for Public Consumption
Hagiga 10a-b: Flying in the Air, Suspended by a Hair
Hagiga 9a-b: Lost Opportunities
Hagiga 8a-b: Holiday Sacrifices
Hagiga 7a-b: The Limits of Appearing in the Temple
Hagiga 6a-b: The Ascent of Women and Children
Hagiga 5a-b: In a Verse From Kohelet
Hagiga 4a-b: Those Who Cannot Travel With Others
Hagiga 3a-b: A Little Extra From The Text
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