What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Shabbat 32a-b: Timing Heavenly Punishments
Shabbat 31a-b: Hillel and Shammai
Shabbat 30a-b: Desecrating Shabbat on Behalf of the Sick
Shabbat 29a-b: Complicated Lamps on Shabbat
Shabbat 28a-b: The Unique Tahash of the Desert
Shabbat 27a-b: The Uniqueness of Flax
Shabbat 26a-b: Standing in the Study Hall
Shabbat 25a-b: Mnemonic Devices in the Talmud
Shabbat 24a-b: Appropriate Oils for Shabbat Candles
Shabbat 23a-b: Blessings on Hanukkah Candles
Shabbat 22a-b: The Sanctity of Hanukkah Candles
Shabbat 21a-b: The Miracle of Hanukkah
Shabbat 20a-b: Shabbat Candle Lighting
Shabbat 19a-b: Heating the Temple
Shabbat 18a-b: Work Performed by Inanimate Objects on Shabbat
Shabbat 17a-b: Must Objects Rest on Shabbat?
Shabbat 16a-b: Impurity of Metal Vessels
Shabbat 15a-b: Establishing Rabbinic Decrees
Shabbat 14a-b: Establishing Decrees in the Home of Hananya ben Hizkiya
Shabbat 13a-b: A Disturbing Early Death
Shabbat 12a-b: Praying for the Sick
Shabbat 11a-b: Fasting in Response to a Bad Dream
Shabbat 10a-b: Practical Suggestions From Rava Bar Meĥasseya
Shabbat 9a-b: A Threshold Serving Two Domains
Shabbat 8a-b: Transferring From a Mysterious Threshold
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