What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Shevuot 24a-b: Piling on the Prohibitions
Shevuot 23a-b: The Forbidden Vs. The Inedible
Shevuot 22a-b: Broken Oaths and Sacrifices
Shevuot 21a-b: Speech as Action
Shevuot 20a-b: False and In Vain
Shevuot 19a-b: False Oaths
Shevuot 18a-b: A Time of Separation
Shevuot 17a-b: Time to Bow
Shevuot 16a-b: Forever Holy
Shevuot 15a-b: Holy Additions
Shevuot 14a-b: Forgotten Ritual Defilement
Shevuot 13a-b: The Power of Yom Kippur
Shevuot 12a-b: A Dessert of White Figs
Shevuot 11a-b: To Be Consecrated Or Not To Be
Shevuot 10a-b: Leftover Sacrifices
Shevuot 9a-b: Atonement and the New Moon
Shevuot 8a-b: Causes of Biblical Leprosy
Shevuot 7a-b: Feats of Verbal Analogy
Shevuot 6a-b: The Greater of Two Kings
Shevuot 5a-b: Shades of White
Shevuot 4a-b: A Voluntary Slave
Shevuot 3a-b: Two That Are Four – With Hair
Shevuot 2a-b: Two That Are Four
Massekhet Shevuot: Introduction to the Tractate
Shevu’ot 49a-b – Neither a borrower nor a lender be
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