What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Temura 34a: Burning Leaven on Passover
Temura 33a-b: Things to be Buried, Things to be Burned
Temura 32a-b: Similarities Between Consecrations
Temura 31a-b: Two Types of Consecration
Temura 30a-b: Improper Payments Using Sacrificial Items
Temura 28a-b: Animals Disqualified From Being Sacrifices
Temura 29a-b: Tainted Money and Sacrifices
Temura 27a-b: Redeeming a Sanctified Animal
Temura 26a-b: Multiple Temura Statements
Temura 25a-b: Changing Your Mind About a Sacrifice
Temura 24a-b: Skinning a Sanctified Animal
Temura 23a-b: The Remnants of the Meal Offering
Temura 22a-b: The Unique Status of a Sin Offering
Temura 21a-b: Tithes When There Is No Temple
Temura 20a-b: Bringing a Burnt Offering
Temura 19a-b: Two Types of Sanctity
Temura 18a-b: Bringing the Sacrifice on Time
Temura 17a-b: Sacrificing a Temura
Temura 16a-b: Forgotten Torah Laws
Temura 15a-b: The Prohibition of Raising Goats
Temura 14a-b: Uprooting the Torah in Order to Save It
Temura 13a-b: The Obligation to Tithe Animals
Temura 12a-b: Losing Track of a Grave
Temura 11a-b: Neither Sacred Nor Do They Sanctify
Temura 10a-b: Sanctifying a Fetus
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