What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Zevahim 20a-b: Morning Ablutions
Zevahim 19a-b: Temple Fashions
Zevahim 17a-b: Clothing Makes the Kohen
Zevahim 16a-b: A Mourner in the Temple
Zevahim 15a-b: Performing the Sacrificial Service
Zevahim 14a-b: A Map of the Temple Mount
Zevahim 13a-b: Improper Thoughts Invalidate
Zevahim 12a-b: Sacrifices That Could Not Be Brought
Zevahim 11a-b: That Day in the Yeshiva
Zevahim 10a-b: Dividing the Altar in Half
Zevahim 9a-b: A Sin-Offering on Nahshon’s Behalf
Zevahim 8a-b: For Passover and Year-Round
Zevahim 7a-b: A Gift for God
Zevahim 6a-b: The Purpose of a Burnt Offering
Zevahim 5a-b: Intent and Purpose
Zevahim 4a-b: The Intent of a Peace Offering
Zevahim 3a-b: New and Different
Zevahim 2a-b: Proper Intent
Massekhet Zevaḥim: Introduction to the Tractate
Zevahim 120a-b – Contrasts between private altars and the great public altar
Zevahim 119a-b – Ramifications of a lost Ark
Zevahim 118a-b – Where did God’s presence rest?
Zevahim 117a-b – Sacrifices in the Land of Israel – II
Zevahim 116a-b – Purchasing the Temple Mount
Zevahim 115a-b – Who was to perform the sacrificial service – first-born or kohanim?
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