What is the TaNaKh?
Who Is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz z”l?
What is The Talmud?
Books by Rabbi Steinsaltz
Hullin 134a-b – Leaving gleanings for the poor
Hullin 133a-b – Teaching Torah to worthy students
Hullin 132a-b – An animal whose identity is difficult to pin down
Hullin 131a-b – Who received first tithes?
Hullin 130a-b – Presents for the priestly caste
Hullin 129a-b – Megillat Ta’anit – The oldest example of the Oral Torah in writing
Hullin 128a-b – Thinking food thoughts about endives
Hullin 127a-b – A salamander of fire
Hullin 126a-b -Burial traditions in ancient Israel
Hullin 125a-b – Touching different kinds of bones
Hullin 124a-b – Changing the subject
Hullin 122a-b – Identifying creepy crawly creatures in the Bible
Hullin 121a-b – “What is alal?”
Hullin 120a-b – Prohibiting eating blood and drinking forbidden fats
Hullin 119a-b – The fruits of Shimon ben Shetah’s time
Hullin 123a-b – Beware Roman soldiers bearing scalps
Hullin 118a-b – Handles in the service of ritual defilement
Hullin 117a-b – Ritual defilement
Hullin 116a-b – What types of meat cannot be cooked with milk?
Hullin 115a-b – Is the product of a Torah prohibition automatically forbidden?
Hullin 114a-b – Exceptions to the rule regarding milk and meat
Hullin 113a-b – Salting meat
Hullin 112a-b – Cutting sharp vegetables with a meat knife
Hullin 111a-b – Eating liver
Hullin 110a-b – Eating udder
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